The Game is "an abstract concept. It involves no tangible objects, nor is it played on any physical medium. It exists in the minds of those who play it, and it never ends." (Definition courtesy of
I include a reference to The Game because, based to its description, The Game sounds awfully similar to cyberspace. Like cyberspace, The Game is a utopia that is at once nowhere and anywhere one wants it to be, whenever one wants to invoke it. The Game is also shares an attribute with hypertext in that playing it emphasizes what Stuart Moulthorp identifies as "the intertexuality of all life" (Hassan qtd. in Moulthorp para. 3) bringing us back again to the references embedded in the Max Payne screenshot.
The codes I will use to star the allusions in this text are as follows:
META to highlight the religious, metaphysical connotations
MATR for the cinematic implications
TECH for the correlations to technical programming
THRY for the connections between the text and various intellectual theories regarding the digital age and the internet